
CGA CALENDAR FOR 2024-25 / 5784-85
Regular School Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 4 pm, Friday: 9 am – 12:00 pm
Cocoa Club (supervision) from 8:45 am


As each student is a Bas Melech, a princess of the King of Kings, Chabad Girls Academy requires that each girl dresses according to halachic standards in public and private.

Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back. (This also prevents the spreading of lice).
Earrings Only small studs or small hoops are permitted.
Sweater Only School sweaters purchased from landsend.com may be worn.

Please use school code 900171687 when placing the order- hunter green school sweater

No sweatshirts or hoodies may be worn in school.
Shirt: A white oxford shirt or white polo shirt that covers the collarbone and elbows is to be worn.
Shirts can be purchased at Engelic*
Skirt: A grey pleated skirt which covers the knees at all times is to be worn.
Skirts can be purchased at Engelic* (skirt must be 4 inches below the knee)
Nails Only light pastel or clear nail polish may be worn.
Tights are required. No short socks, knee socks or leggings are allowed.
If a student doesn’t comply with the above dress code, she will be required to rent the item from the office for $5 and return it laundered.

*Please complete a Engelic Purchase Order Form for the school shirt and skirt. Ask for one at the Office.


At CGA we provide the girls with a well-rounded education across both Kodesh and Chol. We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that entails both formal and informal hands-on learning which engages and challenges all pupils, catering to different learning styles. While formal frontal teaching takes place, there is a big emphasis on the girls being independent learners. They are often given the opportunity to explore concepts themselves, broadening their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, alongside the formal learning, hands-on activities are used to enhance the girls’ learning experience, making it an experiential one. For example, during Kodesh, the girls create projects and attend relevant workshops, and during Chol, science experiments are conducted.

Our aim is to instill in the girls a love for learning and to use curricula that promote Chassidishkeit and strengthen the girls’ connection to Hashem and the Rebbe, whilst providing them with a solid education all around.

We are also proud of our enriched elective curriculum where girls are given the opportunity to explore and pursue their creative interests and build other useful skills necessary to navigate life. This includes karate and self defense, embroidery, sports, art, baking, etc.

We believe in a systematic education where the curriculum is built around the student. Instead of moving ahead with the curriculum without regard to prior knowledge, our teachers assess the state of knowledge and skills of each student to make sure they each have the required foundational basis upon which to build new understandings. Gaps are identified and filled and education is taught in a cumulative manner.


Research has shown that good feedback is a powerful tool in helping students progress in their learning. At CGA, we therefore train our teachers in excellent feedback techniques. 

We use both formative and summative assessment strategies to best measure progress, providing evidence for the teacher and student leading to successful learning outcomes. This requires teachers to use a host of assessment techniques rather than just formal written tests. There is pre-testing (to determine what students need to learn), assessing during a unit (to see how the process is succeeding and/or needs tweaking) and assessments after a unit (to analyze what needs to be learned next).

CGA has implemented a comprehensive system to monitor and track the academic growth of each student. Weekly assessments in all subjects allow teachers to identify areas that require further review, ensuring that active and engaging learning takes place throughout the year. Reports with the assessment grades are emailed out weekly to parents so parents are involved in their child’s learning and the girls feel that home-school connection.


At Chabad Girls Academy there isn’t a strong emphasis on giving out work for children to do at home. Reading English and Kriyah is always something all students need practice with so we encourage them to do so. It also offers an opportunity for parents to bond with their child during this time. 

When it comes to the weekly assessments taken every Friday, a study period is designated weekly to review all material with the teacher prior to the test to ensure students are confident in their knowledge of the material. Studying the material at home is encouraged but not mandated.

We encourage all students to read English chapter books that are age appropriate with Toichen and that teach good morals. Please monitor what your children read and watch.


The Department of Education (DOE) offers professional, paraprofessional and counseling help for students. In order to access this governmental assistance, parents need to consent to DOE testing so that an IEP (Individualized Education Program) can be made to determine what help the student needs and is eligible for. When this assessment process is done, the student is allocated hours for the various services. The school uses the IEP to hire support staff to provide the services to each student.

P3 SERVICES: If a parent is concerned about their daughter’s behavior and/or academics, Chabad Girls Academy works alongside an agency called LEAD, run by Mrs. Nechama Lichtenstein, who is dedicated to helping parents from the initial requests ensuring a smooth process until DOE meetings have been arranged and students receive an updated IEP. Mrs. Lichtenstein is also the supervisor for all P3 Providers, ensuring student goals are met and progress is being made.

You can reach out to Nechama Lichtenstein via email for any questions or concerns you may have, nlicht@chabadgirlsacademy.com.

IEP reports are supposed to be renewed every three years. If your daughter’s report is due for renewal, please contact Mrs. Lichtenstein to discuss the process.

TITLE 1 CLASSES: CGA qualifies for supplementary Title 1 English classes. Our Title 1 teacher works diligently in assisting to meet our students’ educational goals.

SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR: To use the services of our school guidance counselor, a parental permission form is required. Even if your daughter may not choose to meet privately with our counselor, please sign the form and return it to the office when it is emailed, in order to permit the counselor to run Social Skills classes within the classroom.

SPEECH SERVICES: Our speech therapist works one on one with students to help them with speech, language and communication.  She will be meeting students that have been approved for speech services. Please feel free to reach out to the office to schedule a time to meet with your daughter’s speech therapist. 

The speech therapist will be contacting parents of the students she meets monthly to give over goals, expectations and accomplishments that have been mastered to keep you in the loop.


Student arrivals may begin at 8:45 am with our daily Cocoa Club Monday to Friday. All students are expected to arrive by 9:00 am, when Davening starts.

Students who live more than 3 miles away, are given a 15 minute grace period if occasionally traffic prevents prompt arrival. 

The school day ends at 4:00 pm from Monday to Thursday and at 12:00 pm on Friday. 

If a new arrival or dismissal time is scheduled for a special occasion or event, it will be noted on the school calendar and parents and students will be notified at the earliest opportunity.

Students who arrive after 9:00 am or leave before dismissal must go to the office to check in before entering class with a late note and / or check out before leaving the school.

A student will need a late note from the office to be admitted into class if she came late to the lesson and was in the building. All minutes are calculated by the secretary and will add up for Make Up Minutes taking place during lunch time on Thursday.

Students need to make up for the late minutes accumulated by unexcused tardiness (see “Make Up Minutes” section below.)


Students are responsible for their time in school. There are 160 legal school days in the year  that a student must attend in order to complete the academic year and receive a  Certificate of Completion at the end of the year. There are 3 terms in the school year. 

Each student is given 4 absent/sick or personal days per term. After that, every absent day a student misses from the school term, academic work or courses will be given to the student corresponding to her absent days to make up missed time at the end of each term, once days and hours are calculated. An email will be sent out to the parents to notify them. Every 4 lates a student misses school, is considered one absent day. 

If a student will be absent, late or have appointments during school hours, the parent/guardian must call or email the front desk to let the office know of your daughter’s absence office@chabadgirlsacademy.com. Please provide a note each time. If she does not have a note, the school will need parental confirmation to let the student leave school by phone or email.

In the case of absence or excused lateness, parents should call the school office at (718) 484-9021 by 9:15 am.

  • We do not allow students to leave the campus unsupervised during school hours. Therefore, if a student forgot lunch / another item and wants to run home / off campus to get something, in most cases we will not allow her to leave without supervision.
  • If a student will be away from school for an extended period of time (overseas or interstate trip, etc), prior school permission is needed and the prospective dates of absence must be provided in writing. The school has an obligation to ensure that each student attends the requisite days of schooling each school year to be promoted to the next grade level. All missed homework, class work, quizzes or tests must be made up upon or before returning to school.
  • A record of the time a student arrives late (or any time off campus during school hours) will be kept by the office.
  • Parents need to be prompt in picking up their daughter when the Duty of Care transfers back to them (at 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday 12:00 on Fridays  or any other dismissal time).
  • In the event of a family simcha, students have an extension of up to one hour to arrive at school the next day. However, a note will be required from parents to excuse the lateness.
  • Appointments (doctor, dentist, etc) should be scheduled after school hours whenever possible.
  • Our students are expected to daven daily. If a student is late, she should daven at home. (If a student does not daven during davening time, she may be asked to daven during recess).  


We see each student as an individual with many talents which we help her express. We assess her habits and guide her to improve them. Each girl has her own unique way of understanding the world. We increase her awareness of the perceptions of those around her.

We teach her to take responsibility for her own choices of thought, speech and action. When a student misbehaves, we recognize this as a call for guidance. We use the incident to help the student understand her own motivation for the choices she made and to work to discover more peaceful / appropriate ways to achieve her aims.

We coach each student to be responsible for conflict resolution.

We let the student know that we are on her team in regard to the making of resolutions to improve and grow. We figure out a plan with her (a chart, a system, an incentive, etc.) so that she can be successful in improving.

We often partner with parents / guardians via WhatsApp to monitor the plan (see “Parents WhatsApp Group” below).

Rather than using a punitive system, CGA staff focuses on building strong supportive relationships with each student. We guide and coach her in kindness and respect. The students will  learn the skills we coach them in, to develop honest and dignified relationships with all staff and with peers.


At Chabad Girls Academy we will be introducing a new fabulous behavior system called ClassDojo. This is an online classroom management platform and app where teachers can record and track student behavior. 

The girls can independently earn Dojo points by demonstrating positive behavior such as helping others, working hard, being kind and making good progress during lessons. However, students can also lose Dojo points for breaking the school rules, including being disrespectful, being off task or hurting others. 

Individual points can also contribute to a whole class point system collectively. Rewards will be distributed based on numbers of points earned, both individually and as a class.


At Chabad Girls Academy, we always strive for positive reinforcements to encourage good behaviors. There are times, however, where there is a need for the teacher to set expectations and rules to be kept in order for the learning and positive behaviors to be maintained in the classroom and to put a stop to any unwanted behaviors in the school environment.

We would like to introduce to you a new discipline method we implemented in 2023 for all our students, called The Strike System.

This method involves assigning a set number of strikes to a student who repeatedly misbehaves, with consequences increasing in severity with each additional strike. The strike system provides a clear and consistent approach to addressing problematic behavior, while also allowing students to learn from their mistakes and improve their behavior over time.

Behaviors that warrant a strike are: Ignoring the teacher, rude attitude, not completing work, not following instructions, coming    consistently late to class, etc. 

How It Works: When a student commits an infraction, and already has been warned several times in the classroom, the student receives their first strike. The student will be informed and we will fill out a Google form together with the staff member and the student receiving the strike. Parents will receive a copy of the form which includes the incident that took place and the number strike the student received.

The correct consequence will be put in place based on the strike number.

Strike 1: Conversation between teacher and student.

Strike 2: Conversation between teacher, principal, student and a 200 word essay on Derech Eretz to be handed in the next day signed by a parent.

Strike 3: Meeting with teacher, principal, student and parents. 

Strike 4: If behavior is continuing after the parent meeting, the teacher, student and principal meet again for a suspension warning.  

Strike 5: Suspension in school with work for an allotted time. (A chance to reset to be ready to join our school community.)

The key to the success of any behavioral strike system is clear communication of expectations and consequences, as well as consistent and fair implementation. It’s important for our students to understand what behaviors will result in strikes and what the consequences will be for each strike.

Please discuss this with your daughter.

We strongly believe that having a behavioral strike system can be an effective tool for improving class management and behavior. Collaborating together with the parents to encourage positive behaviors and an opportunity to repair mistakes will only enhance her learning and improve on her middos.


In a case where a student is disrupting class in a severe or chronic way or in a way which is threatening to a peer or teacher, the student might need to be removed from class until it is clear she understands the problem and intends to rectify her previous behavior and make better choices.

In such instances, the Hanhala will determine whether an in-school suspension will serve to teach the lesson. In-school suspension is usually the result of disrespectful behavior towards a particular teacher and the student would be excluded from that teacher’s class for a time. The student is asked to complete the work packet from her class in another classroom until the teacher feels sure she can return with a new attitude. 

In the case that in-school interventions with a student’s behavior are not producing the desired results, a student may be sent home from school for an out-of-school suspension. Parents will be contacted and informed of the factors at play. The student will be sent home for a time and will be welcomed back only after agreeing to a contract in which she commits to improving in the required areas. Sometimes the contract will require support from parents. Sometimes the contract will require regular psychological counseling and/or professional diagnoses of various kinds. The contract may need to be formulated in conjunction with the teacher, student and parent to create a growth mindset, thereby accepting the student back with hope for positive changes.

A suspended student will need to do all assigned work at home during the suspension.

In severe cases where both in-school and out-of-school intervention are not succeeding to guide the student to be successful in school, CGA will then find accommodations for the student to attend a different school to service the student according to her needs.


RECESS AND LUNCH BREAKS : All students  go outdoors for their recesses if weather permits. In the winter months, with weather reaching 40 degrees or lower, when it rains or snows, recesses will take place in the lunchroom with board games and the like.

CGA does not provide lunch. Lunch takes place in the lunchroom daily.  Please send healthy snacks and a large water bottle for your daughters daily.

Girls are not permitted to stay inside the classroom during recess or lunch because there is no supervision. Classrooms and hallways are out of bounds.

There is a recess and lunch monitor assigned to all the girls in the lunchroom or backyard during recess to ensure the safety of all students.

CLEANING ROSTER: All students are expected to help maintain a clean and tidy environment. There is a cleaning roster in each class and students have a rotating responsibility for tasks to keep the area clean. 

SAFETY & SECURITY: Once a student enters the school, the school has an Achrayus to take care of the safety of every student and know their whereabouts AT ALL TIMES.

All students need to stay on campus throughout the day in school. No student may leave without an adult or express permission.

Students may not leave the building to get lunch or the like.

Serious consequences or a possible suspension will be given to students who leave the school building without permission from the administrative staff.


ELECTIVES: At CGA we put a strong focus on developing our students’ artistic and creative talents, developing the right side of the brain. We provide a holistic approach to Chinuch.

We have a rotation of various electives throughout the year by each term, including: Sewing & Embroidery, Jiu Jitsu / Self Defense, Jewelry Making, Art, Sports, Typing, Science Experiments, Music & Baking. 

EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: CGA places a strong emphasis on helping develop our students’ spiritual growth.

We also put a strong focus on celebrating Jewish birthdays, arranging Shabbos Mevorchim meetups, learning about Chassidishe Yomim Tovim by bringing in speakers to inspire our girls, weekly Lunch ‘N Learns and our annual Shabbaton. Our program director’s main role is to have a good Hashpoah on our girls on a daily basis by infusing our girls with Chassidishkeit. 

Our Program Director creates in-school activities for a variety of occasions as well as extra curricular events (Farbrengens, hachona programs, etc). 

Our Program Director emails and WhatsApps parents about the upcoming activities and pictures to keep you informed. She can be emailed directly with any concerns at her staff email address (see “CGA Email Addresses” below).

EDUCATIONAL TRIPS: We place a strong emphasis on ensuring learning happens in and out of the classroom. Educational trips always enhance the learning and create a lot of Achdus between students. All trips that take place in school are to encourage an educational purpose and goal. We encourage parents to volunteer their time in helping chaperone school trips.

OHEL TRIPS: Every year CGA takes our students on a trip Erev Yom Kippur to the Ohel to Daven for a successful year ahead. Students will be sent home with a note about upcoming trips, prior to the trips, whatsapp messages will also be sent to the parent broadcast announcing upcoming trips, events and programs.

Please keep a look out for all the information needed. 

ANNUAL SHABBATONS: B”H we have been very fortunate to create annual Shabbatons for our students and staff members. It’s a wonderful way for students to build lasting memories as a school. A strong emphasis is made at our Shabbatons on creating memories that will last a lifetime. 

Our Shabbaatons will be filled with meaningful discussions, Davening, fun, laughter, late night farbrengens and amazing food to create an atmosphere of warmth and connection. Our alumni students come back as leaders bringing everyone together.


We encourage all our students to bring healthy filling lunches and snacks to school daily as we  do not provide lunches or snacks in school.

All food brought to school needs to have recognized Hechsherim. We only allow Chalav Yisroel & Bishul Yisroel in school. (No Pas Akum, no Chalav Stam, etc.)

We have a dairy toaster oven and toasters for students to heat up their food from home.

Any student bringing Fleishigs to school needs to eat at the “Meat” table.

          We do not allow candy, chocolate or treats in school on a regular day. 

          Treats are given by the Program Director on special Chassidishe Yomim Tovim.


If a parent would like to celebrate their daughter’s birthday in school, the office will need to be informed a day or two before to allow the teacher time to dedicate 30 minutes for her to arrange the farbrengen. Parties are scheduled during the lunch period from 12:30-1:15 pm, Monday to Thursday.

All birthday cakes and treats must NOT be homemade.

They need to have a reliable Hechsher from one of the local Kosher Crown Heights stores.

Please send in:

Cake or donuts enough for the class

Coins for Tzedakah

Plates and napkins

Drinks and cups

Candy is NOT permitted


Students may have a phone but it must have a filter approved by the school with parental controls. Student cell phones must be handed into the office upon arrival at school daily. 

 If a student brings an electronic device to the classroom, the class teacher will confiscate the device and it will be given over to the Principal.  

The first time it’s found, it will be kept in the principal’s office for 24 hours. 

The next time the phone is seen in class or around the building, the phone will be kept with the principal till the End of The Year. The Principal will contact the parents of the student in order to return the property.

Phones may not be used in school. 

Students are responsible to remember to collect their phones from the office at dismissal time.

Students may not bring in any electronic devices to school. 

No Kindle

No Ipads

No Gameboys

 No MP3s 

No Tablets


CGA CHROMEBOOKS – Our Chromebooks are to be used by students only with permission and supervision of CGA staff DURING CLASS TIME ONLY. A teacher or tutor must permit the use and supervise the student while in use.

Students are responsible for the safekeeping of “their” ChromeBooks assigned to them at the beginning of the year. Each student will be given a school email address with a password for school documents and school work only. All Chromebooks are filtered and frequently monitored as to the use of them.

If a student loses or damages their ChromeBook that is used by them, they are responsible to purchase a new one for the school. The prices vary depending on what  Chromebook is used.

The school has a beautiful library for the students to enjoy and borrow books over the weekends. Students will have access to these books at Library Hour. They will need to sign them out for borrowing and must return them on Monday mornings. Students are responsible for replacement of damaged or lost books.


As per recent NYS law, immunizations need to be current for children enrolled in the school.

A student who has any sign of illness should be kept at home to recover. Please call to inform the Office on (718) 484-9021. Students must be 24-hour fever free before they can return to school.

Any contagious or communicable illness should be reported to the school secretary as a courtesy towards the other parents of the class.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, the parent will be contacted to take the child home from school.

Parents need to give permission before the school can give a student Tylenol or other pain relief medications for aches during the school day. If we have your permission on file then we can administer these over-the-counter medicines even if we cannot reach you by phone when your daughter is in pain.


In the event of an emergency, R”L, the following procedure will take place:

Hatzalah will be contacted 

An attempt to contact the parents will be made.

An attempt to notify the emergency contact will be made.

The child may be taken to the ER at a nearby hospital or parents’ hospital of choice.


To build our CGA Community, parents are encouraged to join the PTA.

CLASS MOTHERS – We have one PTA mother per class. Each class mother hosts her grade’s Whatsapp parent chat, which is used to coordinate various events (parties, class arrangements) or projects (Chanukah and end-of-year presents for teachers), etc.

The PTA as a whole group has other functions, such as scheduling fundraising events, carnivals, special social activities (trivia nights), promoting lectures (on parenting or education) and other community-building projects. PTA Fundraising is usually pinpointed for a particular purpose based on the school’s needs.

The PTA can be a tremendous support for the staff and students of the school. The more dynamic the involvement of parents, the better for the school climate.

 End of Term PTA and Report Cards

We have three terms during the year. At the end of each term, we compile a report card with grades based on assessments, extra quizzes or projects and behavior and participation. 

Our teachers take the time to create individual comments and our school guidance counselor gives a report as well. Report cards are distributed during our PTA meeting, when parents have an allotted time slot to meet with their daughter’s Kodesh and Chol teachers. 


CGA students can get involved annually in our CGA Pushka campaign. Each girl can take a few CGA Pushkas which she is responsible to distribute for use. She must register the name and address of each recipient at school so we know where they all are. Then, every three months, she collects the coins and bills and leaves the emptied pushka with the person for refilling. There is a contest among students about who will collect the most money.


PARENT WHATSAPP GROUP: In a parent survey, parents indicated that WhatsApp is the preferred way for parents to get information. Therefore, we use the CGA parental WhatsApp group for school notifications and reminders. Emails are also sent out with reminders, important dates and events taking place.

PROTOCOL FOR CONCERNS: Parents are encouraged to maintain an open dialogue with their child’s teachers regarding any concerns/confusion about student assignments and programs or social and behavioral issues. If your child is having a problem in a particular class, please try to resolve the problem directly with that teacher. If you feel that after speaking to the teacher, the problem is continuing, please contact the school administration. Please email the secretary for a time to speak with the Director, Mrs. Kramer, to resolve the issue.

Parents are asked to use discretion when discussing school issues, especially in front of their children. It is very important to help our children have a positive attitude toward their school and their education. Modeling a positive attitude while quietly pursuing solutions lets children know that their parents and teachers are working together for their benefit and shows that there is mutual trust between school and home.


Parents are welcome to email staff and teachers to make time to talk with them regarding any concerns you may have.

Alternatively, you can call the office to make time to meet the principal or teachers when issues arise or discuss growth and plan for success.

Discussing issues early is encouraged to avoid frustrations.

Administrative Staff

Mrs. Devorah Leah Kramer dlkramer@chabadgirlsacademy.com

Ms. Geula Backer office@chabadgirlsacademy.com

Mrs. Mushky Pinson admin@chabadgirlsacademy.com

Mrs. Shaina Gourarie finances@chabadgirlsacademy.com

To make an appointment with the Principal, please email or call the office at office@chabadgirlsacademy.com (718) 484-9021.

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